About ejpg.net

Welcome to ejpg.net, a free image hosting service that has a rich history dating back to 2009. Over the years, this website has gone through various transformations and been through ups and downs, only to resurface in 2024 as a new image hosting platform. Let us take you on a journey through time and share the story of ejpg.net.

Before 2009, ejpg.net already as a provider of free image hosting services. At that time, the website utilized a program called Chevereto, which was an open-source and free software. Chevereto played a crucial role in establishing ejpg.net as a platform for users to upload and store their images without any cost.

As time passed, ejpg.net underwent several transitions and experienced a tumultuous journey. It changed hands multiple times and faced various problems along the way. However, despite the ups and downs, the website be gave up.

Now, in 2024, ejpg.net has once again emerged as an image hosting service. It is a time flies and the ever-changing nature of the internet. The ejpg.net returning to its original identity as a free image hosting platform, and changed its source code to LightPicture and embraces its roots and reconnects with its initial purpose.

As we reflect on the history of ejpg.net, we cannot help but feel a sense of nostalgia. Our website has weathered the storms and returned to its initial way. It is a truly remarkable coincidence.

Thank you for listening the ejpg.net's story. We look forward to continuing to provide a reliable and free image hosting service for years to come.